(※WARNING※) This is SFW game and the characters are all adults and fictional and contains

inflation, bursting ( No description of blood, organs, etc )

(※警告※) これはSFWゲームであり、キャラクターはすべて大人で架空のものであり、以下を含みます。

膨張, 破裂 ( 血、臓器などの描写はありません )

(※주의※) 이것은 SFW 게임이며, 등장인물들은 모두 성인 및 허구이며 다음의 내용을 포함합니다.

팽창, 파열 ( 피,장기 등의 묘사 없음 )

Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
(8 total ratings)
Made withGameMaker


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This is very well made! I love the facial expressions and the sounds, and the art is adorable. Well done!

Thank you for liking my work.

how do you get the popping?


There is a hint in the stars in the night sky.

If you have any difficulty finding a hint, I would appreciate it if you could refer to the video in the post.

( https://milkis2000.fanbox.cc/posts/7998569 )

( https://www.patreon.com/posts/105180425 )